There are two meals I love more than any other. “But that means there is only one meal you don’t like?!” I hear you cry! Wrong my friends, introducing my favourites:
Brunch and Afternoon tea.
The finest two meals that you ever did see.
I’m a self confessed nibbler. I’m the person who orders last at a restaurant, just so they can make sure they don’t have the same thing as anyone else, and then asks everyone else if I can “just try a tiny bit?”
It was only natural therefore, that when my man took me out for a surprise birthday treat, Afternoon tea ensued.
We’d had a lazy morning and I’d been instructed to pack an overnight bag with something for a “nice dinner”. (I know right? Boys have no idea when it comes to outfits - so unhelpful!)
We hopped on the train and as we were whisked towards London I was given my first clue of the day.